Original Virvar Editorial No.12
The sun is up, the room is dim. The make up still in place, the beautiful clothes smelling of cigars. No need to change, time for breakfast in all that rumpled silk and feathers, champagne obligatory. It’s a new day, in yesterday’s attire.
Foto: Martin Tomečko
Fashion: Boris Hanečka, Zuzana Kubíčková, Lukáš Macháček, Miro Sabo, Boris Kráľ
Accessories: Manolo Blahnik, Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda, Bottega Veneta
Styling & Art direction: Milan Štefan
MUAH: Ester Lores
Model: Ema B./ EXIT Model Management
Špeciálne poďakovanie patrí hotelu Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel Bratislava a Veronike Vágnerovej